Monday, July 28, 2014

"How others treat you is a direct reflection of how you value yourself. In essence, we show others how we feel we deserve to be treated by allowing/enabling their behavior. Respect is *always* earned. Make sure they earn yours." - Charles J. Orlando

"All relationships are filled with good times and challenging times. However, if the challenging times run for years, it's not called a "rough spot in the marriage"... it's become a way of life." - Charles J. Orlando

God is never gone

Thought for the Day: “Just like the sun is always there even though rain clouds may try to hide it, God is never gone from you even though the storms of your life may sometimes make it seem so.” I hope you have a fantastic day today my friends! – Elmer Laydon

“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy” (1 Peter 1:8 NIV)

"No matter what sorrow life his brought you, don’t stop until you see morning, because morning does come. It is at the end of set backs, betrayals, delays and denials, but when they’re all over, morning does come." - TDJ

"No matter who you are, you cannot please everyone all of the time. Sometimes the fear of criticism will imprison your common sense." - TDJ

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"It's not necessary to see His entire Hand, but as you move forward in faith and prayer, be assured that God has a blessing moving to meet you." - TDJ

Sunday, July 13, 2014

"I did not get a good start in life, but I tell you what, I am determined that I'm going to have a good finish. And you can do the very same thing." - Joyce Meyer

"When things don't go the way you had planned, trust that God has something better in mind." - Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"It is of no use to pray for the old days; stand square where you are and make the present better than any past has been. Base all on your relationship to God and go forward, and presently you will find that what is emerging is infinitely better than the past ever was. The present excels the past because we have the wealth of the past to go on." - Oswald Chambers

My brother, Lary, would love this! I miss Lary every day. I hope there are Harley's in heaven and Lary is getting to ride one. I love you, Lary! I miss you so much!