Friday, November 30, 2012
"I could not understand how this had happened. I prayed so hard. I
prayed all of the right things “… God, Your will be done. God, give me a
desire for the choice you want me to make, and take away all desires
for the other options. God, confirm this if it is your will. God, shut
the doors that I do not need to enter. God, I want this badly, but I
want you more … ” He took away my desires for every option but one. He
confirmed over and over again that this was what He had for me. He
closed every door and window except for this one. And then He closed this one."-GGW
"It's a crazy feeling when you think you have invested too much into a
relationship too soon. Initially, it seems like the right thing to do,
and the results are positive. However, there are times when the other
person seems to create distance for whatever reason. We are left to
wonder what happened. We are left to wonder why they are acting that
way. We cannot control the other person's actions, feelings, or
thoughts. We can, however, control our actions, feelings, and thoughts. We can reposition our mind, will, and emotions to enable us to slow our roll and reassess the relationship. It's never too late to stop, look, listen, and make a different decision."-Doris Little
“Forgiveness is agreeing to live with the consequences of
another person’s sin. You’re going to live with those consequences
whether you want to or not; your only choice is whether you will do so
in the bitterness of unforgiveness or the freedom of forgiveness.”-Neil Anderson
"Dear Lord, Please help me to move on from my past. There are people and
things I need to forget that are taking over my life. I know if I don’t
let go they will eat me alive. God, soothe my heart and calm my soul and
teach me to live the life You have given me. Thank You Lord for all the
blessings You have given me. Amen."-Karen Kostyla
Thursday, November 29, 2012
"Don’t try to change people. It won’t work, and they will end up resenting you. Only God can change people!"-Joyce Meyer
"Often, while running from your past, you are
actually running toward your purpose. While escaping how you were once
defined, you run into a God-given identity you never knew you had. What
have you ran into?"-TDJ
"What you’ve been through; what you’ve suffered; how you’ve cried...NONE OF IT IS WASTED! God is using it for His glory!"-TDJ
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
"If he misses you, he'll call. If he wants you, he'll say it. And if he cares, he'll show it . If not, he can't be worth your time because you're obviously not worth his."
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
"Sometimes, we step out into something that we believe is God's will, only to realize that it might not be God's will. Sometimes, we take chances, only to find that we are right back into the same hard places we have been in over and over again. We find ourselves dealing with the same stuff that has wigged us out time and time again. Sometimes, we can get weary and ask ourselves, "Why in the world do I even try anymore?" But, we pick ourselves up one more time, dust ourselves off, keep trusting God, and keep moving forward." That is so much better than dealing with our self-loathing and the bitter despair of disappointment over something we cannot change."-Doris Little
"As long as you hold onto a wrong done to you, you will be overcome by evil and you will be victimized by the very thing you are trying to get rid of. So, you have only one choice. It’s uncomplicated, yet anything but easy. Learn from my experience. Let it go."-Chuck Swindoll
"Do you have anything you need to let go of? Any injustice that needs to be relinquished to the hands of a just God? You’re not doing it for anyone other than yourself. YOU are the one who stands to gain or lose based on what you decide to do."-Michele Cushatt
"Though the storms keep on raging in my life, and sometimes it's hard to tell my days from nights, but still there is a hope that lies within. It keeps me against the storms, the winds, and the waves. If the storms don't cease, and if the wind keeps on blowing in my life, my soul has been anchored."-TDJ
Monday, November 26, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
"When my test is blessing is coming, when my storm is
blessing is coming, after I’ve dried my blessing is coming.
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning!"-TDJ
"When you are truly in love, you go to great lengths to be with the one you love. You'll drive for hours to be together, even if it's only for a short while. You don't mind staying up late to talk. Walking in the rain is romantic, not annoying. You'll willingly spend a small fortune on the one you're crazy about. When you are apart from each other, it's painful, even miserable. He or she is all you think about; you jump at any chance to be together. We need to be like this with God."-Francis Chan
"God is on your side, and if He is for you, it really does not matter who is against you. The giants may be big, but God is bigger. You may have weaknesses, but God has strength. You may have sin in your life, but God has grace. You may fail, but God remains faithful!"-Joyce Meyer
"I am so thankful for every blessing He has bestowed upon me. I don’t mean just the big stuff. I mean the little stuff that you wouldn’t even see. I’m just thankful. I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t earn it. I didn’t work for it. I can’t pay for it. But, God in His goodness has been good to me. You ought to thank God for every family member, for every day of your life, for everything that feels good, for everything that’s not hurting on you, your knee, your leg, your eye, whatever you got that’s working. You gotta take what’s working and praise God for it in your life. Stop talking about what’s not working and start praising God for what is working."-TDJ
Saturday, November 24, 2012
"Why does it seem like things are going great, but then there are possible indicators that it's not so great anymore? What changes? Why does taking a risk of loving someone and being loved back end up being so disappointing? Why is it that the thrill of the chase usually ends in the end of the thrill...the end of the dream...the end of a longing of the heart...that sick feeling of, "Not again!"? How many times should we try? How many times should we trust? How many times do we try again? We want to live. We want to love. We want to give. The sad thing is, sometimes, we share our life and love with someone who has a different agenda. If we could only see this stuff coming ahead of time. But, sometimes, we can't see matter how hard we matter how hard we pray."-Doris Little
"Sometimes, we just don't get it. We don't get why some people act the way they do. What is up one day is down the next. What's down one day is up the next. One day, you mean the world to them. The next day, you're not such a priority after all. They want to see you, but, when given the opportunity, they make up excuses not to and take a pass. So, what do we do when that happens? Here are a few things we can do: (1) Fill up our time and space taking care of ourselves; (2) Do good things for other people; (3) Ask God to help us be the one who needs the relationship the least; (4) Never allow someone else's life to be bigger than our own."-Doris Little
"In times where we find ourselves emotionally vulnerable to the whim and uncertainty of others, we do have a life line. We do have an option. The life line and option is to stop and move back. Create some distance of our own. Get the situation more in line with what feels comfortable, without risking anymore emotionally or physically. Back up. If necessary, turn around. Find that position of emotional safety/sanity and stay there, until we get a better idea of the other person's intention. Don't invest ourselves further into uncertainty. Regain our strength, and, if we have to...prepare to move on."-Doris Little
Friday, November 23, 2012
"We have all wrestled with something though it may not always be the same challenge. My struggles may not be the same as yours. If I'm struggling with something that's not a problem to you, you have no right to judge me when all the while you're struggling with something equally more incriminating."-TDJ
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