Thursday, May 31, 2012
"God's mercies are so relentless that Jeremiah, one of His prophets, said of them, 'They are new every morning.' The reason His mercy is new every morning is that yesterday’s mercy removed all record of yesterday’s mistakes, so He is ready to start fresh again with us today . He doesn’t hold our mistakes over our head like people do. If God kept scores, got even, or sought to settle old scores with us, we would all be in a grave condition and critical state."-TDJ
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Dear God...I am weary of sad, bad news. Would you please send me some really good news...really fast? Thank you.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
"Our struggle is in waiting for the appointment we have with destiny. God is a God of order, doing everything by appointment. In spite of temporary circumstances, God has a preset time of deliverance and blessings."-TDJ

God, thank You for Your Word which lights my path and guides my steps. I choose to put my trust and hope in You today. Thank You for bringing restoration into my life as I keep my heart and mind stayed on You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Monday, May 28, 2012
I came across this..."Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American GI. One died for your soul the other for your freedom."
Sunday, May 27, 2012
"Life's most valuable lessons are learned from the things that hurt us the most."-Strength to Carry On
Lately, I've been discussing the topic of broken relationships with some very special people. In my attempt to throw some humor into the intensity of the subject matter, I shared how I am reminded of the movie, "Thelma & Louise," where they drive the car over the cliff. And, I came to the conclusion that, sometimes, that is what happens in life. We can actually drive a relationship over the cliff and not even know it until we are in mid-air.
"When it seems like nobody cares, God cares. When it seems like nobody is there for you, God is ready to listen."-K-Love
Saturday, May 26, 2012
"To trust God fully means to trust Him even when we don't understand why events occur as they do."-Life Application
"If you feel that you have wasted your life, don’t despair because Jesus
can take the fragments that are left and make sure nothing is wasted."-JM
"God places His prize possessions in the fire. The precious vessels that He draws the most brilliant glory from often are exposed to the melting pot of distress."-TDJ
Friday, May 25, 2012
What I am praying for today..."Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you."~Psalm 143:8
Thursday, May 24, 2012
"When you look back over your life and see how God blessed you, you may not have everything you want, and you may not be in the place that you were created to be, and you may not even serve Him like you’re supposed to serve Him. But, isn’t it amazing that, even when you went wrong, God kept doing right. And, that’s why, every now and then, you’ve got to stop and give Him some praise for the favor of bringing you from where He got you."-TDJ
"If you can believe that God can heal the sick and raise the dead, that He separated the red sea, until it stood at attention, so the children of Israel could walk across; if you can believe that He stood by the tomb of Lazarus and raised him out of the grave; if you can believe that He turned water into wine, healed the sick, raised the dead, stopped the sun, rebuked the devil...then surely He can save your marriage; surely, He can deliver your house; surely, He can bring you out of debt; surely, He can speak peace to your house. C’mon people, either He is God, or He is not God at all!"-TDJ
"Waiting is a war tactic. Sometimes, doing nothing is doing something. Sometimes, being still is a war tactic, as opposed to pacing the floor and worrying yourself to death and getting upset and calling people who can’t help you and trusting people who are trying to betray you. Hang up the phone. Close the blinds. Shut the door, and wait on the Lord. God’s got the victory, because He promised to bring you out!"-TDJ
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
"If we are to enjoy a brighter tomorrow, we must rid ourselves of the grave clothes of where we have been and stitch a new garment for where we are going."-TDJ
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
There are some things worth waiting for. In order to be able to wait, you have to have an appreciation for delayed gratification. If you don’t get this concept, you’ll have problems in every area of your life. In your financial life, if you don’t get this concept, you’ll fool around and buy what you want and then beg for what you need. You'll have a blinged up car, but be backed up with your car payments . If you don’t understand priorities, you fool around and major on the minor and minor on the major. You got furniture, but they just repossessed the house. Delayed gratification not only puts things in order, but it teaches you the art of waiting."-TDJ
I like this..."In moments of high emotion, if the next thing you're going to say makes you feel better, then it's probably the wrong thing to say."-K-Love
Monday, May 21, 2012
This evening, I spent time with some very special people. During that time, one of the men there spoke about the love of God and how nothing can separate us from His love. As he read what he was sharing, he read something that captured my attention. He said, “Out of the wreck I rise every time.”- Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
Sunday, May 20, 2012
"No matter what you might be facing right now or what comes up in the future, remember two things: God is with you—and He's in control."-JM
"God doesn't break things so He can fix them; He fixes broken things so He can use them. Get back in the game!"-K-Love
"This generation talks about praise more than any generation I have ever heard in my life. Everything they say is about praise and nothing about prayer, because they are trying to dance their way into a place that you have to crawl into on your knees with your head down. That’s why they can’t take nothing. That’s why they don’t stay long. That’s why they are easily offended. They give up on churches, they give up on marriages, and they give up on jobs. They have no structure and no power, because you can’t dance your way into a pressing place. You have to pray your way through a pressing place."-TDJ
Saturday, May 19, 2012
"If only we could see clearly, instead of trying to peer through the
cobwebs and all the clutter we have accumulated along the way... What
beauty we would see!"-Strength to Carry On
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
"He will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the dimly burning flame.
He will encourage the fainthearted, those tempted to despair. He will
see full justice given to all who have been wronged." Isaiah 42:3
God is too just to let you go through what you’ve been through and not give you double for your trouble. You will go through a period where you’ve been victimized and life won’t seem fair and it will look like your enemy won, but hold your peace. It’s not over, yet. That battle is not yours. It belongs to the Lord and the bible says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."-TDJ
I love this..."God is a God of restoration. When we place the broken pieces of our lives in His hands, He restores them to a beauty that far outshines the former."
I've been waiting for a particular blessing since 2003. So, today, when I came across these words, I was encouraged..."When the blessing is delayed, God is working on you and your character. The blessing is the reward that comes after you learn obedience through the things you suffered while waiting for it."-TDJ
This evening, I received news concerning two people who are very close to me. It's one of those times where I have to believe that..."When everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it." ... "And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You." Psalm 9:10
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
"God has a plan and a timing. We need to learn to get happy with that. We can't let our circumstances control us."-JM
These words, from a Matt Redman song (10,000 Reasons), are playing in my mind...
Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name
Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name
Monday, May 14, 2012
"The answer to your drought may appear to be the size of a man’s hand, but please know that a refreshing rain is about to fall."-TDJ
I really like this..."Anyone can make you smile, and anyone can make you cry; but it takes a special person to make you smile, with tears in your eyes."
I just came across this. As a single woman, it made me laugh..."Who is carrying whom in your relationship? If he's riding your back, driving your car, living in your house, using your credit cards, eating your food, using your phone... both of you are out of position. That's why your relationship doesn't work. Get that guy off of your back and find a man strong enough to carry you."
Saturday, May 12, 2012
"You can’t spend your life in the graveyard of guilt dealing with the corpses of the past. Know when things are dead, know when to release them and bury them. If you continue to work with the dry bones of dead issues, you too will begin to decay. No amount of work will resuscitate a corpse. Sign the death certificate and bury the past."-TDJ
"If your relationship is brought down to ground level zero and trust has been battered by the winds of life, if your coworker has exploited you and now you cry all the way to work on a job that you love in a situation that you despise, consider what you have left rather than what was destroyed. No one rebuilds on what they lost. Rebuilding begins when you appreciate what you have left."-TDJ
"It’s time to consider what you could attain if you cast off the weight of yesterday and embrace the winds of a changed mind and open heart."-TDJ
I like this..."Don't bring baggage from an ex-relationship into your next relationship... unless you want it to be a short trip."
Friday, May 11, 2012
Today, while sitting in with a neuro ophthalmologist and his patient, he mentioned a term that caught my attention. It was, "recurring thought patterns." I found myself praying, "God, please help me to not have 'recurring thought patterns' of the wrong thoughts." ... forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. -Philippians 3:13
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