Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. - Psalm 139:23-24
I came across these words, and they made me think of how uncomfortable I am when I am around people who can't see the good in anything..."Nothing positive comes from being negative all the time."
I came across this..."Over and over again, we try to fix everything ourselves, to the point of exhaustion. Finally, after we've literally run out of options, we turn to God, realizing we should have done that first."
I like this..."The only way to break the chains of fear and doubt is to know in your heart that God loves you—no matter what."-JM
Thursday, March 29, 2012
I heard this on the K-Love radio station..."Family is not about blood. It's about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it the most."
I came across this, and it made me smile...“If you miss me… You can’t text, you can’t email, you can’t post it on my Facebook wall. If you really miss me, you come and see me.”
This caught my attention..."If you ask me, there’s a moment in everybody’s life when you’re helpless, just helpless with hope and trust. And then something happens, something too big to understand, and then everything changes forever. If you ask me, you start out with goodness so pure and clear you won’t even know it’s there, because that’s the way it is when you don’t know anything. And then the news begins to arrive."-Tom Sturridge as Will Donner, Waiting for Forever
I like this...Life’s battle isn’t always won by the stronger or the faster ones; because the one who wins is the one whose heartbeat says, “With God, I Can!”
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tinker Federal Credit Union has a "Give Back to Our Members" program. I've been a member of this credit union for over 10 years. I read about the program. Then, I began to pray and ask God to have them pick me! :) Well, today, I received notice that I was selected as a winner, and Tinker Federal Credit Union reimbursed me for an on-line payment I made toward a dental bill I acquired in February. I ended up getting my molar crown for 1/2 price! Thank you, God! You are so good to me!! ♥
Today, I received a voice mail from my insurance company. I returned the call and was informed that I owe $181.90 that I was not expecting to owe. As the conversation kept going on in the direction of payment options, I kept praying...asking God to please help me...that God would resolve this for me. At some point, the young man decided to make a three-way call to my mortgage company. An hour and two more people later, it came to light that the mortgage company made an error. I do not owe $181.90. I get a $7.61 credit! :) Thank you, God. You are so good to me! ♥
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
This is good..."The past is like a magnet; it's always trying to draw us back, but Jesus wants to draw us forward!"-JM
Monday, March 26, 2012
This is a good word for me today..."There are times when God's will is difficult. What do you do then? What happens if it is not what you want? You still submit to it, because God has your best interests in mind. In every believer's life, there will come a time when obedience overrules personal desire, when spirit becomes more important than flesh, when the glory of God is more important than our own glory and desires. So even if we don't understand the will of God, even if we don't always like the will of God, we must always submit to the will of God."-Daily Harvest Devotion
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Today's picture of my precious son, Drew, compliments of his Facebook friends. :) My other precious son, Jason, is not on Facebook anymore. So, I am not able to get "Today's Picture" of him. Love my boys! ♥
I love this..."Some may call her weird, but I call her unashamed." These words made me think of a particular Bible verse...Romans 1:16.
"We talk figuratively about doors being opened, but God is not the only one who can open doors. When Jonah disobeyed God, he bought a fare on a boat that was going in the opposite direction. The devil opened all the doors for Jonah's disobedience. So just because things are coming together circumstantially, don't base your decision on that."-Harvest Daily Devotional
I came across these words, and I found myself asking God to forgive me for all the doors I went through that weren't opened by God. I thought they were, and I went through. But, now, I know I thought wrong, and I shouldn't have gone through them...
"If you hold on to stuff, you choke. If you release stuff, you can keep breathing. Life is going to hand you something every day. Take in what you can get out of it. Let go of what you can't get out of it. But, don't let anybody hurt you so bad that you choke."-TDJ
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”―Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
"In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber. So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer and courage, so long are you young. When your heart is covered with the snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, and then only, are you grown old. And then, indeed as the ballad says, you just fade away."―Douglas MacArthur
I came across this the other day, and I just came across it again..."God often removes someone from your life for a reason. Think before you chase after them."
Thursday, March 22, 2012
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."-Robin Williams
Today, I was reminded of a quote my oldest son, Jason, gave to me...“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain
"A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose - a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve."-John Maxwell
I saw this picture on Facebook, and it made me think of something. Not long ago, I was talking with someone. That person stated that they were told something about me...something I had done...that I had not done. I've come a long way, since my timid, fearful, co-dependent days. I was able to look the person in the eye and say, "You weren't told the truth." I'm glad I was able to do that.
"There is an inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn’t thrown off by obstacles along the way. There is a beauty about a woman whose confidence comes from experiences; who knows she can fall, pick herself up, and move on."-WQ
I just came across this..."Don't forget to remember that even though starting over is hard and even though it is one of the greatest gifts we will ever be given in our lifetime."
"It's so easy to get lost inside a problem that seems so big at the time. It's like a river that's so wide. It swallows you whole. While you sit around thinking about what you can't change and worrying about all the wrong things, time's flying by, moving so fast. You better make it count, 'cause you can't get it back."-So Small, Carrie Underwood
I like this..."Time changes everything. That's what people say. It's not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were."
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I came across this, and I remembered it is a quote my dad (now deceased) gave to me..."Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you."-Satchel Paige
Monday, March 19, 2012
Today, while thinking of my youngest son, Drew, I was reminded of a book I read to him, when he was little. It is called, "Love You Forever," by Robert Munsch. It's the story of how a little boy goes through the stages of childhood and becomes a man. In the book, the woman holds her son and softly sings:
"I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be."
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be."
I am so blessed! I just saw that my youngest son, Drew, changed his Facebook profile picture. He changed it to a picture of the two of us...his proud mom and her amazing son! :) I love that guy! ♥
Saturday, March 17, 2012
This is my first laugh for today..."I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned." :)
I like this..."There are two things you should never waste your time on: things that don’t matter, and people that think you don’t matter."-Linda Poindexter
My first smile for today..."You can't buy happiness, but you can buy cupcakes. And that's kind of the same thing." :)
Friday, March 16, 2012
This is today's picture of my youngest son, Drew, with me. :) Whenever Drew comes up from Texas, I try to remember to pull out my camera and get some pictures. I tell myself, "If I have any regrets, one of them will be that I didn't have enough pictures taken of me with my boys." ♥
This evening, I was blessed to have dinner at Sophabella's with my youngest son, Drew, and his precious girlfriend, Mary. They came up from Texas to attend a concert in OKC. During dinner, Drew said, "I know this is a short visit; but, this pizza and seeing you are worth it." I looked at him and said, "I love you, Drew, with all my heart." As my eyes filled with tears, I said, "You make me feel like I am somebody." He said, "You are somebody." I so love that guy! ♥
"It hurts when we risk our hearts and it ends up being broken. But, what hurts even more is when we still hold on when we already know that we're waiting for nothing."-WQ
"We cannot embrace God's forgiveness, if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges. In order to move into the blessings of our future, we must relinquish the pains of the past."-TDJ
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I like this..."Don't be someone's down-time, spare-time, part-time, or sometime. If they can't be there for you all of the time, then they're not even worth your time."
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
"There's one sad truth in life I've found while journeying east and west. The only folks we really wound are those we love the best. We flatter those we scarcely know. We please the fleeting guest. And deal full many a thoughtless blow to those who love us best."-Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I just came across this..."Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place." ~ Rumi
I like this quote...“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”-Mark Twain
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